A little of this and that...

Those Daffodils are gone now...my, my, they were lovely while they lasted.
We had green eggs and ham for breakfast on Saturday in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday.  Elijah informed me when he sat down that the ham had to be green too and he wanted the whole yolk of the egg to be green.  I didn't even know how to do that without covering their food with nasty green food coloring...so, I told him fresh basil and parsley was all I could manage.  He smiled and tucked into his plate anyway.
I did some thrifting too.  Old frames I will paint and turn into bulletin boards for the kids.  Next weekend I am going to start painting Evelyn's room, then Rubia's, then Elijah's, then Rey's...not all in one weekend of course.  So I have been figuring out special touches for each of their rooms as I get them done.  I am sewing them each new curtains, finding specials pictures for the walls, and collecting a few special decorative touches to place here and there.  I don't go crazy and I don't do themes.  Their rooms will be simple and cozy and hopefully a reflection of them, not of their current favorite plastic toy. 
The kids and I planted grass for Easter.  They each helped me plant a pot, with soil, seeds and then more dirt.  We all loved the rich scent of the soil when I opened the bag...it has been a long time for all of us, since we played in the dirt.  Once the grass grows I will place eggs and other Eastery touches in the pots.  I have a wooden cross that I got when I was in Israel that I will put out too.  I hope we will have some nice conversations about the real reason for Easter.  The pots are nestled in the center of the dining table and it will be fun to watch the grass grow.  We all need some green these days.  We got dumped on yesterday and today with more snow.  The world has been white for so long, I can hardly imagine how divine it will be when the grass and flowers start to grow.
But, we are happy and healthy and that is the best that I can wish for.  Spring will come.
Well, back to cleaning...Peace friends!


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