Me and my "Little" Man...

On Friday Elijah and I went on a date...
We had breakfast.
We laughed, played, and took pictures...
My view of him.
His view of me.

We both had pancakes and sausage.
His happened to come in the shape of Mickey Mouse.
He didn't dig the fruit, much to my dismay.
We then hit the farmer's market.
Doctor's appointment for me.
Small lunch.
Then naps.
Nice day.



Lisa said…
that sounds like a fantastic day - who doesn't love dates with the men in our lives!!!
Ohh, and I LOVE your new header - makes me want pie...
Chelle said…
Oh what fun. A date with your little man. Just plain fun.
erin said…
Sounds like a good weekend to me! The painting is well underway, but I managed to hurt my shoulder in the process. Oh well, all in the name of pretty dining rooms!

Leslie said…
cute cute cute, now I feel like I must have pancakes and sausage, oh the powers of persuasion!!

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