The one where I shamelessly promote books...

I have always loved books.
As long as I can remember anyway...
Elijah is also a fan (yay!)
Here is his current favorite:

He asks to have it read to him, over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
He bobs his head yes and says "again, book."
The biggest smile stretches across his face as I begin...again.
I melt and somehow find it in myself to be just as enthusiastic reading it for the fifth time as I was during the first.

These next two books are dear loves from when I was small.
I still have them in my safekeeping.
This is the darling story of a cat that ends up living and helping out in a firehouse.
He was alone and ends up finding a home and a family.
Those types of stories always made me happy as a child.

Hooray for Pig (sorry, I couldn't find an image) was the first book that I was able to read cover to cover by myself.

I remember how proud I was and how much a loved this book.

It is the charming tale of a pig that is afraid to go down a water slide.

But, with the encouragement of fellow animal friends he overcomes his fear.

A silly, happy book that I adore.

What are your favorite books for children?
What was your favorite book as a child?

I have since become an associate.
I make book recommendations and link them to Amazon in posts and in my shop (The link is in the left sidebar). Anyone that clicks on the link and then purchases a book that I have recommended nets me a small commission. It's shameless self-promotion perhaps, but it is a way to feed my serious book habit.
Please do not feel that you in any way, shape or form should have anything to do with this is you should choose not to. I am just as happy if you should choose to get the book from your local library. Just read yourself and read to your kids. It is one of the best things you can do.

Note: I couldn't get the images within this post to work as curse I guess. I don't understand HTML and how to link the way I wanted to in the post. If you want to purchase one of these books just go to my associate store link in the left-hand sidebar. If not, just disregard.


Chelle said…
Love this post Sarah, just love it. Our favorite books currently are ' Prayer for a Child ' by Rachel Field, 'Love is a Handful of Honey', by Giles Andreae and 'I Love You When' by Lelsie Jonath...

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