All Alone...
I miss my Little Monkey...
He has been at Grandma's all week getting potty trained! Crazy. He is doing well and I worried that he wasn't really ready, but I have realized that maybe it is me that is not quite ready. He is growing up much too fast for me. So I pray a lot and try to enjoy each and every moment . That's is why it has been so hard to have him away for so long. Here he is at the zoo...we were in the Gorilla cool.
I miss his dancing to Coldplay, his pronunciation of Motorcycle, his constant eating (does anyone else have a 18 month old that wants to eat constantly?), and watching him sleep in the middle of the night. *sigh*
David left yesterday to go pick him I have been on my own. I haven't had a weekend to myself don't know how long. So I have been wandering around the house aimlessly at times...but I have been trying to get some things done too. Farmer's Market, Library, a few yard sales, and grocery shopping have already further planes are to nap, sew, and a wee bit of cooking. I won't have anytime time alone like this in awhile, so I am trying to take advantage.
Plus, my boys will be home tomorrow...can't wait!
He has been at Grandma's all week getting potty trained! Crazy. He is doing well and I worried that he wasn't really ready, but I have realized that maybe it is me that is not quite ready. He is growing up much too fast for me. So I pray a lot and try to enjoy each and every moment . That's is why it has been so hard to have him away for so long. Here he is at the zoo...we were in the Gorilla cool.
I miss his dancing to Coldplay, his pronunciation of Motorcycle, his constant eating (does anyone else have a 18 month old that wants to eat constantly?), and watching him sleep in the middle of the night. *sigh*
David left yesterday to go pick him I have been on my own. I haven't had a weekend to myself don't know how long. So I have been wandering around the house aimlessly at times...but I have been trying to get some things done too. Farmer's Market, Library, a few yard sales, and grocery shopping have already further planes are to nap, sew, and a wee bit of cooking. I won't have anytime time alone like this in awhile, so I am trying to take advantage.
Plus, my boys will be home tomorrow...can't wait!