The shamrock craft...glue, water, brushed on with green crepe paper
From our "Green Hunt"...
Plastic around a tree
Street sign
Green letters on a sign
Green shutter on a house
Green background on a sign
Garden hose
And look at those beauties. They are popping up in my flower beds and making me so, so happy. Elijah loved the hunt and insists that we do other colors too. Will do! Off for another walk while the weather holds. The forecast is calling for possible snow on Sunday...say it with me, "yay."
AHHH!!! FLOWERS!! We don't have any blooming yet, but soon. SO, so soon I hope. Yes, we may be getting snow this weekend as well - but wow have the past few days been AMAZING!! I love all the green. :)
Anonymous said…
So fun! Glad to be in Idaho, where the forecast calls for 68 & clouds :D
I love all the green. :)