For the love of books...

Once a week, every week we go to the library.  It is one of those activities that I don't think the kids nor I would survive without.  We all read voraciously.  My plan is to bombard them with words and books with the hopes that they will continue to read throughout their lives.  I can still remember learning to read and I still have the first book that I ever read by myself.  I have loved reading books for as long as I can remember and it is such a big part of my life that brings me nothing but joy...I want my children to have that too.
So every Monday we go to the library. We pick out picture books to look at and read each day and at night before bed, new books on CD are selected too.  They listen to these to go to sleep at nap time and bed time...just another way I like to get them plugged into reading and words.  While at the library, Elijah always goes and looks at the non-fiction.  He has really gotten interested in books about animals, pirates, and Star Wars.  Evelyn still likes a good picture book, especially those that have girls in them wearing princess dresses.
While they look about, I push Rubia over to the young adult fiction section.  I have been reading a great deal from this area lately.  Throughout each day while I nurse Rubia, I find that it is the perfect time to read.  She likes to nurse for a long time and I have nothing else that I can do in those 45 minute stints but bury my nose in a book.  It doesn't bother me in the slightest either.  I have found a wealth of lovely books that I can't wait to check out for the children when they are reading on their own.
Anything by Ann Rinaldi is wonderful, but I especially love Time Enough for Drums and The Girl in Blue.  I have been reading her books since I was a young adult.
The Seven Wonders of Sassafrass Springs by Betty G. Birney
The Royal Diaries from the Dear America books, I really enjoyed the book on Catherine the Great.
Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson. She also writes for adults and I have long loved her writing.
The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall
Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett, the whole series about Calder is excellent, this is the first one.

These are just a few of my current favorites, but I keep finding new ones, so the list will continue to grow.


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