A little Mom love...
Being a Mom is a joy...
Yesterday as I was able to lounge in bed, thanks to my Sweetie (note: He lets me lounge on weekends on more then just Mother's Day), I lay there listening to the sounds of my son jabbering and gurrgling (sp?) through his bath and around the house thereafter. And the one soon to be, was flipping and flopping and nudging me from the inside, it was a time of such lovely contentment.
Elijah has run straight into the terrible twos, 7 months early. Some days it feels like all I ever say to him is "no." But in reality he is such a happy, adventurous boy with an insatable curiousity whether it's concerning what was just thrown away in the garbage, the birds fluttering around on the lawn or if a lady bug makes for good eating (he indulged in that last night, thankfully I was able to get it out of his mouth). He is learning and growing every day...and it makes my heart swell. I never knew that it was possible to love a child so much.
My hope is that all Mom's had a wonderful day yesterday, but also that they feel loved and appreciated on more then just one day a year. Hugs to all Moms, grandmas, and Moms yet to be...
Yesterday as I was able to lounge in bed, thanks to my Sweetie (note: He lets me lounge on weekends on more then just Mother's Day), I lay there listening to the sounds of my son jabbering and gurrgling (sp?) through his bath and around the house thereafter. And the one soon to be, was flipping and flopping and nudging me from the inside, it was a time of such lovely contentment.
Elijah has run straight into the terrible twos, 7 months early. Some days it feels like all I ever say to him is "no." But in reality he is such a happy, adventurous boy with an insatable curiousity whether it's concerning what was just thrown away in the garbage, the birds fluttering around on the lawn or if a lady bug makes for good eating (he indulged in that last night, thankfully I was able to get it out of his mouth). He is learning and growing every day...and it makes my heart swell. I never knew that it was possible to love a child so much.
My hope is that all Mom's had a wonderful day yesterday, but also that they feel loved and appreciated on more then just one day a year. Hugs to all Moms, grandmas, and Moms yet to be...
Rylan is a handfull too, I swear she thinks she is older than she is....
Ohhh Happy Happy Mothers Day.
I appreciated your kind comments on my blog!