The one where I talk about cleaning...I know, rivoting!
I made up a new batch last week. For the floor cleaner I used Peppermint essential smells so nice. And I used Almond Dr. Bronner's Soap in my all-purpose cleaner and I love that scent too. The bathrooms smelled so nice when I got them done yesterday.
I don't know if I ever mentioned that I also make my own moisturizer for my face. It is made from Vegetabel Glycerin and Aloe Vera Gel. It makes my skin so soft and hydrated. I need to make a new batch of that as well.
One book I have found to be very useful in my green quest is Better Basics for the Home by Annie Berthold-Bond
It is chalk full of receipes for almost everything you can think of. It was recommended to me several years ago by a former boss. When I was dog sitting for her, she asked me to use mixture of vinegar and water to clean up any dog messes. I was curious and a little shocked that using somethiong as simple as that could be enough to clean. It turns out vinegar is a powerful cleaning ingredient! She loaned me her copy of the book. I soon bought my own copy...It has become my go-to book for many household tasks and is quite dog-earred. My moisturizer recipe is in that well as many other things I use through the house and on myself. I really want my babies to be exposed to as few harsh chemicals as I can, so this book is most helpful in accomplishing that.
I am a big fan of aloe vera, and am also a manufacturer of products with high concentration of aloe vera. I know you're interested in making home remedies, but know that when you're looking to purchase a product, be sure to check the amount of aloe vera in the product!
Do you know all of the effects of aloe vera?
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