As of late the thermostate on the oven has been mysteriously moving. Which has resulted in rock hard cupcakes and a chocolate pear torte that met the bottom of the garbage can with a resounding thud.
The first time this occured I thought they I had accidentally turned the knob to the wrong temperature. I must admit that it surprised me to think that I might do that. I am very careful when it comes to baking. Baking does not appreciate the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants method. Directions are meant to be adheared to. Which is odd for me too. I like to be random, random is happy for me. But, pattern and predictability is a must with baking...so I can deal.
With a flick of the wrist I usually set the knob and walk away to mix, whip, or knead etc. and forget about it.
I suspected that something was amiss when it happened a second time. The third time I caught a little gnome (by the name of Elijah) turning the knob. He loves to turn knobs. We had a chat...we'll see.
In the mean time I will check the knob and check often.
How are you doing Sarah? I don't see you around much and I think of you often. I'm sorry I don't comment more. It's usually a quick breeze through and then on with the day.
Give you sweet (and mischievous) ones an extra hug for me! :)