Summer, here we come...

Oh May!  Nice to see you!  Still a wee bit chilly, but we are good with it.
One more month of school and then Summer Break.  I am tip top excited about it this year.  I have a long list of activities we are going to do and trips that have been planned.  Plus, we have lots of new friends that we will be able to invite over for water fights and Popsicles...can't wait.  To keep it all straight I am filling calendar pages for the three months to come that I will post in the kitchen.  Shhhhh, don't tell the kiddies, but I have a box of books and new games on it's way from amazon.  I plan on doling them out through the Summer. Elijah and Evelyn, both, are taking off with their reading and I don't want to lose that momentum this Summer.  Reading time will happen each day to continue to build their skills.  Plus, We all are really starting to get into card and board games again.  I found a few highly recommended ones I am looking forward to.  I will let you know what I got when they arrive.
Today we were sneaky and delivered May Baskets to friends after the kids got home from school.  Elijah and Evelyn loved ringing the bell and running like gazelles bake to the stuff.  When we got home, someone had left baskets for each of them...talked about thrilled.  I am really loving this community we have found ourselves in.  It's a good place for us.  The kids are thriving and I am too.
Well, off to do invitations for a may tea party for a certain Miss Evelyn.  She has been longing to have her girl friends from school over, so we are going to have a little party complete with fancy dresses. Anyway...Peace!


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